Friday, January 18, 2008

My first blog

I've never had a blog before, but it's a growing trend among the members of my family, so I thought I'd give it a try. Since I'm out here in Mississippi, I figured it'd be a good way for my family and friends to keep up with what's going on in my life and all that good stuff.

So here's to start out. On Thursday I took my drug calculation test for this semester. These tests are very important because they are a pass or fail sort of thing. If you don't make a 90% on the test, you fail out of the program. A few people didn't meet the requirements this semester, so they will have one more chance to pass. Thankfully I passed, so I don't have to go through the stress of taking it a second time to stay in the program. I'll be graduating in May, hopefully. This semester is full of complicated med/surg content and is a continuation of the stuff we learned last semester. I think I'm intimidated simply because it is the last semester and it's so close to being over. I know I can do this, it just takes time and dedication to make it through.

From what the calendar says, my birthday will be during the first week of clinicals. We'll also have two tests that week, so I'll probably wait until after that week is over to do any celebrating. My friend Lori and I were talking about having a bbq cookout or something.


the byrd family said...

congrats on your first blog...i love it!! i'll add you to my favorites so other family and friends remember to keep in touch!

i also love the slide show, i've never even seen most of those photos! thanks for doing a blog!!

love you!

Greenpoint YMCA Early Childhood said...

Hey sis, thanks for the update. Good luck on the exams. Next we need to get Mom and Pops a blog page.

See ya,

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